Author: pavle


Part II: Iceberg model and Employment Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina /Thinking Out Loud/

You can read my first thinking out loud blog on Iceberg model and Employment Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina here. As I wrote at the end of that blog, it was supposed to be continued over time, and here are some more insights… Updated Iceberg model, right click -> open image in the new tab to …

Economic Development, Employment

Why aren’t there more programmers in Banja Luka

I recently talked to a friend working in IT sector in Banja Luka and I thought I could write a few fresh insights. Situation in IT sector in Banja Luka Region is similar to other sectors regarding labor – we don’t have enough workers. Just like in other sectors, this is one of the main …

Employment, Uncategorized

Expensive real estates in Banja Luka are pushing young people to emigrate

Young people are leaving B&H, it’s a fact. There are several economy related reasons. But there are also reasons not directly related to economy. One of them, in my city (Banja Luka), is price of real estates. For example, in Paris you would need 1,3 average salaries to buy 1 square meter of a real estate, …


Iceberg model and Employment Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina /Thinking Out Loud/

I have firstly encountered Iceberg Model somewhere on the Internet during 2017, in one of Leyla Acaroglu’s articles/blogs. It immediately made sense to me and I copied it to my notepad. In short, it’s a tool used to gain a deeper understanding of things. It illustrates that things we see or read about in newspapers …

Economic Development, Employment

Enterprises in Banja Luka Region mostly need workers with low level of knowledge and skills

It is possible to find a news article with lists of unemployed persons sorted by professions. But I don’t remember I ever found similar list of workers required by enterprises, sorted by professions. I got a chance to make such list for region of Banja Luka on Job Fair in June 2017. I’m aware that …


Experts’ phrase diary is blurring the image

After few years of participating in and organizing workshops, it seems to me there is a problem with experts’ phrase diary in communication. A number of phrases, words and formulations that are often used to describe something by experts and consultants. There are plenty of those in, for example, strategic plans. The fact that experts …

Economic Development

Fastest growing industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina are food related

I have recently read an interesting blog written by Cesar Hidalgo, Trump, forget about Coal and Nuclear, software exports is where the jobs are at. His point was, among others, that state should invest more in growing sectors to provide new jobs. That instantly made sense to me, so I started thinking about what sectors …


Review of Labour Force Survey in B&H 2017 – more realistic representation of workforce in RS

These days media in Republic of Srpska are reporting of 263 476 employed persons, which is the highest number in history, referring to data published by Employment Office of RS. At the same time, Agency for Statistics of B&H publishes Labour Force Survey 2017, given the information of 313 000 employed persons in RS. Where does …


How much incorrent secondary data are? (In context of employment in RS)

Republic of Srpska (federal unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina) has, based on Employment Office records, 116 274 job seekers as of October 2017. According to these data, unemployment is significant. Someone could say there is not enough jobs in Srpska, since these people can’t find one. Even Employment Office, in such deficit of jobs, published …